Using SWC-DB C++ Thrift Client

The SWC-DB C++ Thrift Client is defined in swcdb/thrift/client/Client.h and implemented with libswcdb_thrift.

The following namespaces will be available by including the swcdb/thrift/client/Client.h:

  • SWC the base namespace of SWC-DB
  • SWC::Thrift the namespace of SWC-DB Thrift Client and the SWC-DB Thrift Modules
  • SWC::thrift is the apache::thrift namespace

The SWC::Thrift::Client is a class based on the SWC::Thrift::ServiceClient. Which is a helper in configuring and making of the ServiceClient instance.


Add compiler flags to your program:

  • include-flags -I${SWCDB_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/
  • link-flags
    • shared built - -lswcdb_thrift or ${SWCDB_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/
    • static built - ${SWCDB_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/libswcdb_thrift.a
    • dependencies + libthrift while depends on the usage, the following might be required libthriftnb, libthriftz, libevent, libz, libssl, libcrypto

a Making of a Basic Program

  1. Establish a connection to Thrift-Broker
  2. List all Columns
  3. Create a Column with name cpp-thrift-example
  4. Get the Created Column
  5. Check the Created Column
  6. Update the Column with Cells
  7. Select with SpecScan the cells available in the Column
  8. Delete the Column
  9. Check the Column Deleted
  10. Close the Client Connection

The source:

#include "swcdb/thrift/client/Client.h"
#include <iostream> /* for the example purpose */

int main() {
  std::cout << "Enter OK" << std::endl;

  /* 1. Establish a connection to Thrift-Broker
    auto client = SWC::Thrift::Client::make("localhost", 18000);
  std::cout << std::endl << "Establishing a connection" << std::endl;
  SWC::Thrift::Client client("localhost", 18000);

  /* 2. List all Columns */
  SWC::Thrift::SpecSchemas spec;
  SWC::Thrift::Schemas schemas;
  client.list_columns(schemas, spec);

  std::cout << std::endl << "All Columns List size="
            << schemas.size() << std::endl;
  for(auto& schema : schemas) {
    schema.printTo(std::cout << " ");
    std::cout << std::endl;

  /* 3. Create a Column with name `cpp-thrift-example` */
  SWC::Thrift::Schema schema;

  std::cout << std::endl << "Creating Column: \n " << schema << std::endl;
  client.mng_column(SWC::Thrift::SchemaFunc::CREATE, schema);

  /* 4. Get the Created Column */
  std::cout << "Get Column spec: \n " << spec << std::endl;
  client.list_columns(schemas, spec);

  std::cout << std::endl << "Got Column: \n ";
  for(auto& schema : schemas) {
    std::cout << ' ' << schema << std::endl;

  /* 5. Check the Created Column */
  assert(schemas.size() == 1);
  assert(schemas.back() == 0);
  schema = schemas.back();
  assert(schema.col_seq == SWC::Thrift::KeySeq::VOLUME);

  /* 6. Update the Column with Cells */
  std::cout << "\nGenerating Cells \n";
  int n_cells = 100000;
  int num_fractions = 10;

  // value for a cell, 256 bytes bin
  std::string value;
  for(uint8_t n=0; n <= 255; ++n)
    value += char(n);

  SWC::Thrift::UCCellsPlain ucells;
  auto& col = ucells[schema.cid];

  int n = 0;
  for(auto& cell : col) {
    cell.f = SWC::Thrift::Flag::INSERT;

    // N-Fractions for the Key
    cell.k[0].append(std::to_string(n++)); // 1st F(unique)
    for(uint8_t f=1; f < num_fractions; ++f) {
      cell.k[f] += char(f + 97);

    // cell.__set_ts(now_ns());
    // cell.__set_ts_desc(true);
    // cell.__set_encoder(SWC::Thrift::EncodingType::ZSTD);

  std::cout << "Updating col with cells=" << col.size() << "\n";
  assert(col.size() == n_cells);

  size_t updater_id = 0; // without an updater
  client.update_plain(ucells, updater_id);

  /* 7. Select the cells available in the Column */
  SWC::Thrift::SpecScan specs;

  auto& speccol = specs.columns.back();

  // set cell matching F(2) == "b", expect all
  auto& intval = speccol.intervals.back();


  auto& key_intval = intval.key_intervals.back();
  key_intval.start[2].__set_f(""); // all on the depth

  specs.printTo(std::cout << " Select SpecScan='");
  std::cout << "'\n";

  SWC::Thrift::Cells result;
  client.scan(result, specs);

  std::cout << "Select plain_cells.size()=" << result.plain_cells.size()  << "\n";
  assert(result.plain_cells.size() == n_cells);
  for(auto& cell : result.plain_cells)
    assert( == 0);

  /* 8. Delete the Column */
  std::cout << std::endl << "Deleting the Column" << std::endl;
  client.mng_column(SWC::Thrift::SchemaFunc::REMOVE, schema);

  /* 9. Check the Column Deleted */
  try {
    client.list_columns(schemas, spec);
  } catch(const SWC::Thrift::Exception& e) {
    // OK

  /* 10. Close the Client Connection */
  std::cout << std::endl << "Closing the Client" << std::endl;

  std::cout << std::endl << "Exit OK" << std::endl;
  return 0;

Build the basic_swcdb_thrift_program:

c++ \
  -lswcdb_thrift -lthrift \
  -o basic_swcdb_thrift_program;

Run the basic_swcdb_thrift_program:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/swcdb/lib ./basic_swcdb_thrift_program;