Using the SWC-DB Command Line Interfaces (CLI)
The SWC-DB CLI/Shell is available in the utillity program bin/swcdb
and the default Shell is the SWC-DB(client)>
The Command Line Interfaces and argument-values available to work with are:
Argument Token | Shell | Command Line Interface |
without an argument | Work with the DB-Client | SWC-DB(client)> |
--manager / -mngr | Work with a Manager | SWC-DB(mngr)> |
--ranger / -rgr | Work with a Ranger | SWC-DB(rgr)> |
--filesystem / -fs | Work with a FileSystem type by swc.fs='TYPE' | SWC-DB(fs-TYPE)> |
--statistics / -stats | Work with Statistics monitor | SWC-DB(statistics)> |
To use the specific CLI apply the argument-value-token at bin/swcdb --ARG;
execution. It is possible to switch between the available CLIs at the shell interface with the command switch to CLI;
- For additional help information with running, use:
bin/swcdb --help;
andbin/swcdb --help-config;
- For help with available shell-commands and help with the commands execution, use:
SWC-DB('cli-name')> help;
in the selected CLI.
./swcdb --help;
SWC-DB(utils) Usage: swcdb 'command' [options]
--command -[cmd] Command to execute shell|status|report|custom (1st arg token) shell
--daemon Start process in background mode true
--debug Shortcut to --swc.logging.level debug false
--filesystem -[fs] Work with FileSystem type by swc.fs='type' true
--help -[h] Show this help message and exit true
--help-config Show help message for config properties true
--lib Utility-Library of the custom command
--lib-path Path to utilities libraries /opt/swcdb/lib/
--manager -[mngr] Work with Manager true
--quiet Negate verbose false
--ranger -[rgr] Work with Ranger true
--statistics -[stats, monit] Work with Statistics monitor true Broker Host: "(hostname or ips-csv)|port" []
--swc.bkr.port Broker port 17000
--swc.cfg Main configuration file swc.cfg
--swc.cfg.dyn Main dynamic configuration file []
--swc.cfg.dyn.period Dynamic cfg-file check interval in ms, zero without 600000
--swc.cfg.path Path of configuration files /opt/swcdb/etc/swcdb/
--swc.client.Bkr.comm.encoder The encoding to use in communication, options PLAIN/ZSTD/SNAPPY/ZLIB ZSTD # (4)
--swc.client.Bkr.connection.keepalive Broker client connection keepalive for ms since last action 30000
--swc.client.Bkr.connection.probes Broker client connect probes 1
--swc.client.Bkr.connection.timeout Broker client connect timeout 10000
--swc.client.Mngr.comm.encoder The encoding to use in communication, options PLAIN/ZSTD/SNAPPY/ZLIB ZSTD # (4)
--swc.client.Mngr.connection.keepalive Manager client connection keepalive for ms since last action 30000
--swc.client.Mngr.connection.probes Manager client connect probes 1
--swc.client.Mngr.connection.timeout Manager client connect timeout 10000
--swc.client.Mngr.range.master.expiry Cached Master Range expiry in ms 1800000
--swc.client.Rgr.comm.encoder The encoding to use in communication, options PLAIN/ZSTD/SNAPPY/ZLIB ZSTD # (4)
--swc.client.Rgr.connection.keepalive Ranger client connection keepalive for ms since last action 30000
--swc.client.Rgr.connection.probes Ranger client connect probes 1
--swc.client.Rgr.connection.timeout Ranger client connect timeout 10000
--swc.client.Rgr.range.res.expiry Range Ranger resolution expiry in ms 1800000
--swc.client.recv.ahead Client receive number of buffers ahead 3
--swc.client.recv.buffer Client receive buffer size in bytes 8388608
--swc.client.recv.timeout Client receive timeout in ms 800000
--swc.client.request.again.delay Client request again delay size in ms 500
--swc.client.schema.expiry Schemas expiry in ms 1800000
--swc.client.send.ahead Client send number of buffers ahead 3
--swc.client.send.buffer Client send buffer size in bytes 8388608
--swc.client.send.timeout Client send timeout in ms 800000
--swc.client.send.timeout.bytes.ratio Timeout ratio to bytes, bytes/ratio=ms added to send timeout 1000
--swc.logging.level -[l] Logging level: debug|info|notice|warn|error|crit|alert|fatal INFO # (6)
--swc.logging.path Path of log files /opt/swcdb/var/log/swcdb/ Manager Host: "[cols range]|(hostname or ips-csv)|port" []
--swc.mngr.port Manager default port if not defined in 15000
--swc.rgr.port Ranger port 16000
--verbose Show more verbose output false
--version -[v] Show version information and exit true
--with-broker Query applicable requests with Broker false
./swcdb --help-config
--addr IP-port, addr to listen on else resolved(hostname):swc.ServiceName.port []
--host host:port to listen on IPv4+6, swc.ServiceName.port applied if port not specified Network Priority Access []
--swc.comm.ssl Use SSL in comm layer false CA, used if set
--swc.comm.ssl.ciphers Ciphers to use
--swc.comm.ssl.crt Cluster Certificate file cluster.crt
--swc.comm.ssl.key Server Private-Key file server.key Networks that do not require SSL []
--swc.comm.ssl.subject_name CRT/Cluster's domain-name, if set SRV-CRT is verified
--swc.fs main FileSystem: local|hadoop|hadoop_jvm|ceph|broker|custom Specific cfg-file for FS-broker as main FileSystem, without 'broker': local|hadoop|ceph|custom
--swc.fs.ceph.cfg Specific cfg-file for FS-ceph
--swc.fs.custom.cfg Specific cfg-file for FS-custom
--swc.fs.hadoop.cfg Specific cfg-file for FS-hadoop
--swc.fs.hadoop_jvm.cfg Specific cfg-file for FS-hadoop_jvm FS-broker Lib-path based on fs/FileSystem.h
--swc.fs.lib.ceph FS-ceph Lib-path based on fs/FileSystem.h
--swc.fs.lib.custom FS-custom Lib-path based on fs/FileSystem.h
--swc.fs.lib.hadoop FS-hadoop Lib-path based on fs/FileSystem.h
--swc.fs.lib.hadoop_jvm FS-hadoop-JVM Lib-path based on fs/FileSystem.h
--swc.fs.lib.local FS-local Lib-path based on fs/FileSystem.h
--swc.fs.local.cfg Specific cfg-file for FS-local SWC-DB data-path, within the FS(specific) base-path swcdb/