Usage Help: 'command' [options];
quit Quit or Exit the Console
help Commands help information
switch to Switch to other CLI, options: rgr|mngr|fs|stats|client
show show last='DURATION' since='DATETIME' agg='DURATION'
host='STRING' group='STRING' role='STRING' id='STRING'
component='STRING' part='STRING' type='STRING' metric='STRING'
AND .. ;
-> show last=30day group=swcdb role=rgr component=fs part=broker;
# show Fs-Broker stats on Ranger for the last 30 days
-> show since='2021/05/01 00:00:00' component='cpu';
# show CPU on all roles having CPU metrics since May of 2021
* STRING: string-type definition is optional
* DURATION: in Decimal[week|day|hour|minute] (4week)
* DATETIME: in format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss or seconds-timestamp
* 'last=': The Duration set or NONE default to 7day
* 'since=': The Datetime set or NONE for since (now-'last'|ever)
* 'agg=': The Duration for aggregations or NONE into-single entry
* AND: Another metrics group
list metrics list metrics host='STRING' group='STRING' role='STRING' id='STRING'
component='STRING' part='STRING' type='STRING' AND .. ;
-> list metrics;
# List all metrics definitions
truncate truncate last='DURATION' since='DATETIME' agg='DURATION'
host='STRING' group='STRING' role='STRING' id='STRING'
component='STRING' part='STRING'
type='STRING' AND ..;
-> truncate;
# Truncate all metrics
set stat-names set stat-names F1,F2, .. or 'swcdb-default';
* swcdb-default: host,group,role,id,component,part,type
list stat-names list stat-names;