Using SWC-DB load generator
cd /opt/swcdb/bin; # if SWCDB_INSTALL_PATH not on PATH
Enter Help
./swcdb_load_generator --help;
# SWC-DB (c) Copyright since 2019 Alex Kashirin <>
# SWC-DB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version GPLv3.
# SWC-DB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.
# If not, see <>.
SWC-DB(load_generator) Usage: swcdb_load_generator [options]
--daemon Start process in background mode true
--debug Shortcut to --swc.logging.level debug false
--gen-blk-cells Schema blk-cells 0
--gen-blk-encoding Schema blk-encoding NONE|ZSTD|SNAPPY|ZLIB DEFAULT # (0)
--gen-blk-size Schema blk-size 0
--gen-cell-a-time Write one cell at a time false
--gen-cell-encoding Cell's Value encoding ZSTD|SNAPPY|ZLIB PLAIN # (1)
--gen-cell-versions cell key schema-versions 1
--gen-cells number of cells, total=cells*versions*(is SINGLE?1:fractions*onLevel) 1000
--gen-cells-on-level number of cells, on fraction level 1
--gen-col-name Gen. load column name, joins with colm-number load_generator-
--gen-col-number Number of columns to generate 1
--gen-col-seq Schema col-seq FC_+|LEXIC|VOLUME LEXIC # (1)
--gen-col-type Schema col-type PLAIN|COUNTER_I{64,32,16,8}|SERIAL PLAIN # (1)
--gen-compaction-percent Compaction threshold in % applied over size of either by cellstore or block 0
--gen-cs-count Schema cs-count 0
--gen-cs-replication Schema cs-replication 0
--gen-cs-size Schema cs-size 0
--gen-delete Delete generated data false
--gen-delete-column Delete Column after false
--gen-distrib-course Fractions distrib Course STEP|R_STEP|SINGLE|R_SINGLE|LEVELS|R_LEVELS STEP # (0)
--gen-distrib-seed Use this seed/step for Distribution injection 1
--gen-fraction-size fraction size in bytes at least 10
--gen-fractions Number of Fractions per cell key 10
--gen-handlers Number of client Handlers 8
--gen-insert Generate new data true
--gen-log-compact-cointervaling CommitLog minimal cointervaling Fragments for compaction 0
--gen-log-preload Number of CommitLog Fragments to preload 0
--gen-log-rollout CommitLog rollout block ratio 0
--gen-progress display progress every N cells or 0 for quiet 100000
--gen-select Select generated data false
--gen-select-empty Expect empty select results false
--gen-value-size cell value in bytes or counts for a col-counter 256
--gen-versions number of cell versions to generate 1
--help -[h] Show this help message and exit true
--help-config Show help message for config properties true
--quiet Negate verbose false Broker Host: "(hostname or ips-csv)|port" []
--swc.bkr.port Broker port 17000
--swc.cfg Main configuration file swc.cfg
--swc.cfg.dyn Main dynamic configuration file []
--swc.cfg.dyn.period Dynamic cfg-file check interval in ms, zero without 600000
--swc.cfg.path Path of configuration files /opt/swcdb/etc/swcdb/
--swc.client.Bkr.comm.encoder The encoding to use in communication, options PLAIN/ZSTD/SNAPPY/ZLIB ZSTD # (4)
--swc.client.Bkr.connection.keepalive Broker client connection keepalive for ms since last action 30000
--swc.client.Bkr.connection.probes Broker client connect probes 1
--swc.client.Bkr.connection.timeout Broker client connect timeout 10000
--swc.client.Mngr.comm.encoder The encoding to use in communication, options PLAIN/ZSTD/SNAPPY/ZLIB ZSTD # (4)
--swc.client.Mngr.connection.keepalive Manager client connection keepalive for ms since last action 30000
--swc.client.Mngr.connection.probes Manager client connect probes 1
--swc.client.Mngr.connection.timeout Manager client connect timeout 10000
--swc.client.Mngr.range.master.expiry Cached Master Range expiry in ms 1800000
--swc.client.Rgr.comm.encoder The encoding to use in communication, options PLAIN/ZSTD/SNAPPY/ZLIB ZSTD # (4)
--swc.client.Rgr.connection.keepalive Ranger client connection keepalive for ms since last action 30000
--swc.client.Rgr.connection.probes Ranger client connect probes 1
--swc.client.Rgr.connection.timeout Ranger client connect timeout 10000
--swc.client.Rgr.range.res.expiry Range Ranger resolution expiry in ms 1800000
--swc.client.recv.ahead Client receive number of buffers ahead 3
--swc.client.recv.buffer Client receive buffer size in bytes 8388608
--swc.client.recv.timeout Client receive timeout in ms 800000
--swc.client.request.again.delay Client request again delay size in ms 500
--swc.client.schema.expiry Schemas expiry in ms 1800000
--swc.client.send.ahead Client send number of buffers ahead 3
--swc.client.send.buffer Client send buffer size in bytes 8388608
--swc.client.send.timeout Client send timeout in ms 800000
--swc.client.send.timeout.bytes.ratio Timeout ratio to bytes, bytes/ratio=ms added to send timeout 1000
--swc.logging.level -[l] Logging level: debug|info|notice|warn|error|crit|alert|fatal ERROR # (3)
--swc.logging.path Path of log files /opt/swcdb/var/log/swcdb/ Manager Host: "[cols range]|(hostname or ips-csv)|port" []
--swc.mngr.port Manager default port if not defined in 15000
--swc.rgr.port Ranger port 16000
--verbose Show more verbose output false
--version -[v] Show version information and exit true
--with-broker Query applicable requests with Broker false
run swcdb_load_generator
./swcdb_load_generator --gen-cells=100000;
update-progress(time_ns=1662200856350434447 cells=100000 bytes=32150000 avg=1230ns/cell) Profile(took=123094744ns mngr[locate(time=384229ns count=2 cached=1 errors=0) res(time=193589ns count=4 cached=2 errors=0)] rgr[locate-master(time=544860ns count=2 cached=0 errors=0) locate-meta(time=270960ns count=2 cached=0 errors=0) data(time=99370301ns count=2 cached=0 errors=0)])
update-progress(time_ns=1662200856472924784 cells=200000 bytes=64300000 avg=1224ns/cell) Profile(took=245585084ns mngr[locate(time=387517ns count=3 cached=2 errors=0) res(time=195235ns count=6 cached=4 errors=0)] rgr[locate-master(time=1028598ns count=3 cached=0 errors=0) locate-meta(time=589187ns count=3 cached=0 errors=0) data(time=353037264ns count=6 cached=0 errors=0)])
update-progress(time_ns=1662200856627764600 cells=300000 bytes=96450000 avg=1548ns/cell) Profile(took=400425002ns mngr[locate(time=390090ns count=4 cached=3 errors=0) res(time=207267ns count=8 cached=6 errors=0)] rgr[locate-master(time=1462719ns count=4 cached=0 errors=0) locate-meta(time=799421ns count=4 cached=0 errors=0) data(time=601726117ns count=9 cached=0 errors=0)])
update-progress(time_ns=1662200856849771384 cells=400000 bytes=128600000 avg=2219ns/cell) Profile(took=622431701ns mngr[locate(time=397929ns count=6 cached=5 errors=0) res(time=210827ns count=12 cached=10 errors=0)] rgr[locate-master(time=2058034ns count=6 cached=0 errors=0) locate-meta(time=1207293ns count=6 cached=0 errors=0) data(time=1080344593ns count=14 cached=0 errors=0)])
update-progress(time_ns=1662200857003870764 cells=500000 bytes=160750000 avg=1540ns/cell) Profile(took=776531032ns mngr[locate(time=400555ns count=7 cached=6 errors=0) res(time=214990ns count=14 cached=12 errors=0)] rgr[locate-master(time=2520326ns count=7 cached=0 errors=0) locate-meta(time=1418932ns count=7 cached=0 errors=0) data(time=1343661789ns count=17 cached=0 errors=0)])
update-progress(time_ns=1662200857170310554 cells=600000 bytes=192900000 avg=1664ns/cell) Profile(took=942970688ns mngr[locate(time=403859ns count=8 cached=7 errors=0) res(time=216516ns count=16 cached=14 errors=0)] rgr[locate-master(time=2713233ns count=8 cached=0 errors=0) locate-meta(time=1605265ns count=8 cached=0 errors=0) data(time=1689149607ns count=21 cached=0 errors=0)])
update-progress(time_ns=1662200857406703841 cells=700000 bytes=225050000 avg=2363ns/cell) Profile(took=1179364449ns mngr[locate(time=413501ns count=10 cached=9 errors=0) res(time=219689ns count=20 cached=18 errors=0)] rgr[locate-master(time=3448076ns count=10 cached=0 errors=0) locate-meta(time=2068540ns count=10 cached=0 errors=0) data(time=2184880167ns count=26 cached=0 errors=0)])
update-progress(time_ns=1662200857572139158 cells=800000 bytes=257200000 avg=1654ns/cell) Profile(took=1344799270ns mngr[locate(time=416069ns count=11 cached=10 errors=0) res(time=230608ns count=22 cached=20 errors=0)] rgr[locate-master(time=3712666ns count=11 cached=0 errors=0) locate-meta(time=2330731ns count=11 cached=0 errors=0) data(time=2481739508ns count=29 cached=0 errors=0)])
update-progress(time_ns=1662200857808962288 cells=900000 bytes=289350000 avg=2368ns/cell) Profile(took=1581622510ns mngr[locate(time=422323ns count=13 cached=12 errors=0) res(time=234910ns count=26 cached=24 errors=0)] rgr[locate-master(time=4403586ns count=13 cached=0 errors=0) locate-meta(time=2851130ns count=13 cached=0 errors=0) data(time=3051886523ns count=35 cached=0 errors=0)])
update-progress(time_ns=1662200857979236031 cells=1000000 bytes=321500000 avg=1702ns/cell) Profile(took=1751896577ns mngr[locate(time=424840ns count=14 cached=13 errors=0) res(time=236885ns count=28 cached=26 errors=0)] rgr[locate-master(time=4643211ns count=14 cached=0 errors=0) locate-meta(time=3204782ns count=14 cached=0 errors=0) data(time=3336224317ns count=38 cached=0 errors=0)])
Total Time Took: 1909.74 milliseconds
Total Cells Count: 1000000
Total Cells Size: 313965 KB
Average Transfer Rate: 164.402 KB/millisecond
Average Cells Rate: 523.632 cell/millisecond
Mngr Locate: 427348ns 15/14/0
Mngr Resolve: 238629ns 30/28/0
Rgr Locate Master: 4870678ns 15/0/0
Rgr Locate Meta: 3392862ns 15/0/0
Rgr Data: 3726139865ns 43/0/0
check on results
SWC-DB(client)> select where col(load_generator-1)=(cells=([>=0000099998, :<""]<=key<=[<=0000099999, :<""] ONLY_KEYS)) DISPLAY_STATS;
Total Time Took: 1328.13 microseconds
Total Cells Count: 20
Total Cells Size: 1450 B
Average Transfer Rate: 1.09176 B/microsecond
Average Cells Rate: 0.0150587 cell/microsecond
Mngr Locate: 107979ns 2/1/1
Mngr Resolve: 1565ns 2/2/0
Rgr Locate Master: 324185ns 2/0/1
Rgr Locate Meta: 398788ns 2/0/1
Rgr Data: 433068ns 1/0/0
SWC-DB(client)> select where col(load_generator-1)=(cells=(offset=999999 ONLY_KEYS)) DISPLAY_STATS;
Total Time Took: 43.3204 milliseconds
Total Cells Count: 1
Total Cells Size: 122 B
Average Transfer Rate: 2.81622 B/millisecond
Average Cells Rate: 0.0230838 cell/millisecond
Mngr Locate: 136503ns 2/1/1
Mngr Resolve: 1292ns 2/2/0
Rgr Locate Master: 576250ns 2/0/1
Rgr Locate Meta: 657652ns 2/0/1
Rgr Data: 41896503ns 1/0/0
dump col='load_generator-1' into path='dump/test1/' DISPLAY_STATS;
Total Time Took: 14.3019 seconds
Total Cells Count: 1000000
Total Cells Size: 321777 KB
Average Transfer Rate: 22499 KB/second
Average Cells Rate: 69920.9 cell/second
Mngr Locate: 143964ns 2/1/1
Mngr Resolve: 1582ns 2/2/0
Rgr Locate Master: 369965ns 2/0/1
Rgr Locate Meta: 258151ns 2/0/1
Rgr Data: 1188184872ns 42/0/0
Files Count: 1
File: dump/test1/1.tsv (367000041 bytes)
SWC-DB(client)> load from path='dump/test1/' into col='load_generator-1' DISPLAY_STATS;
Total Time Took: 2500.88 milliseconds
Total Cells Count: 1000000
Total Cells Size: 321777 KB
Average Transfer Rate: 128.665 KB/millisecond
Average Cells Rate: 399.858 cell/millisecond
Mngr Locate: 54666ns 16/16/0
Mngr Resolve: 33632ns 32/32/0
Rgr Locate Master: 2303200ns 16/0/0
Rgr Locate Meta: 1862946ns 16/0/0
Rgr Data: 5138617081ns 48/0/0
SWC-DB(client)> quit;