SWC-DB Benchmarks
The SWC-DB Communications setup Without and With an Encoder
The benchmarks are a separate work loads of
./swcdb_load_generator --gen-progress=10000000 --gen-col-name=comm_encoder_test \
--gen-insert=true --gen-cell-a-time=false \
--gen-cells=1000000000 --gen-fractions=10 --gen-fraction-size=10 \
--gen-col-type=PLAIN --gen-col-seq=VOLUME --gen-cell-versions=1 \
--gen-value-size=256 \
--gen-cs-size=1GB --gen-cs-replication=3 --gen-cs-count=2 \
--gen-blk-cells=100000 --gen-blk-size=64MB --gen-blk-encoding=ZSTD \
--gen-log-rollout=10 --gen-compaction-percent=33 \
SWC-DB cluster run-time setup:
- FileSytem
- 5x machine with CPU Intel E3-1246V3 RAM 32GB SW-RAID 2x 2TB-7200rpm NIC 1Gbit/s
- 1x SWC-DB Manager, 5x SWC-DB Ranger, 5x SWC-DB FsBroker, 5x Hadoop Datanode and 2x Hadoop Namenode
- The
was running by ns1-1.thither.direct
NIC Input Data Rate KB/s on the Public-IP with an Encoder set to ZSTD rate is +50x times less
Result of swcdb_load_generator
(with an Encoder setting)
Total Time Took: 726.827 minutes
Total Cells Count: 10000000000
Total Cells Size: 2994.2 GB
Resend Cells Count: 2500783
Average Transfer Rate: 4.11955 GB/minute
Average Cells Rate: 1.37584e+07 cell/minute
Mngr Locate: 60185077942ns/216018(0)
Mngr Resolve: 646864131698ns/449(360)
Rgr Locate Master: 134783240816ns/216018(0)
Rgr Locate Meta: 129228441391ns/216018(0)
Rgr Data: 67579602691860ns/402144(101)