Configuring SWC-DB build
SWC-DB Configuration Options
O_LEVEL | Level of optimizations: 0: = -Os 1: = -O2s 2: += -floop-interchange -flto=1 -fuse-linker-plugin -ffat-lto-objects 3: = -O3 4: += -flto=1 -fuse-linker-plugin -ffat-lto-objects 5: += BUILD_LINKING=STATIC 6: += BUILD_LINKING_CORE=STATIC | 0-7 | 3 |
SWC_IMPL_SOURCE | when possible implement SWC-DB source-code | ON/OFF | OFF |
USE_REPLXX | whether to use Libreplxx | ON/OFF | OFF(ON if found) |
USE_GNU_READLINE | whether to use GNU libreadline | ON/OFF | OFF(ON if EDITLINE not found) |
LOOKUP_INCLUDE_PATHS | additional paths to headers | posix-dir-path_LIST; | “/opt/local/include;/usr/local/include;usr/local/lib;/usr/include” |
LOOKUP_LIB_PATHS | additional paths to libraries | posix-dir-path_LIST; | “/opt/local/lib;/usr/local/lib;/usr/lib;/lib” |
JAVA_INSTALL_PATH | JAVA_HOME to use, suggested $(find /usr/lib/jvm -name jni.h | sed s"/\/include\/jni.h//"g) | posix-dir-path | ENV{JAVA_HOME} |
ASIO_INCLUDE_PATH | suggested as by instructions | posix-dir-path | ”” |
WITHOUT_THRIFT_C | Not to build the libswcdb_thrift_c | ON/OFF | OFF |
GLIB_INCLUDE_PATH | suggested $(pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 | tr ' ' ';' | sed 's/-I//g' ) | posix-dir-path | ”” |
WITHOUT_PAM | Not to build the libpam_swcdb_max_retries | ON/OFF | OFF |
HADOOP_INSTALL_PATH | HADOOP_HOME to use, suggested as by instructions | posix-dir-path | ENV{HADOOP_HOME} |
SWC_DOCUMENTATION | configure for generating documentations | ON/OFF | OFF |
SWC_MALLOC_NOT_INSISTENT | Not to use SWC-DB insistent malloc | ON/OFF | OFF(clang-ON) |
SWC_INSTALL_DEP_LIBS | Install the 3rd-party dependencies libaries used for linking | ON/OFF | OFF |
SWC_WITHOUT_JAVA | skip java/maven builds | ON/OFF | OFF |
SWC_ENABLE_SANITIZER | Enable build-wide the specified sanitizer (slower perf. by x3-x10) | address/thread | OFF |
USE_DEFAULT_MALLOC | use compiler/libc malloc | ON/OFF | OFF |
USE_JEMALLOC | use libjemalloc | ON/OFF | OFF |
USE_HOARD | use libhoard | ON/OFF | OFF |
USE_MIMALLOC | use libmimalloc | ON/OFF | OFF |
USE_TCMALLOC | use libtcmalloc | ON/OFF | OFF(default libtcmalloc_minimal or USE_DEFAULT_MALLOC) |
USE_LIBSSL | The SSL-Library to use | open/wolf | open |
SWC_LANGUAGES | require to build with support of listed languages | NONE or ANY / applicable CSV: py2,py3,pypy2,pypy3,java,netstd,c_glib | any possible |
SWC_BUILTIN_FS | builtin filesystems (impl./prelinked without use of dynamic linking loader), suggested=local,broker | applicable CSV: local,broker,hadoop_jvm,hadoop,ceph | any possible |
SWC_DEFAULT_ENCODER | the encoder to use for default config value | PLAIN/ZLIB/SNAPPY/ZSTD | ZSTD |
SWC_BUILD_PKG | Build only the specified package | Environment: * env * doc Libraries: * lib-core * lib * lib-fs * lib-fs-local * lib-fs-broker * lib-fs-ceph * lib-fs-hadoop * lib-fs-hadoop-jvm * lib-thrift * lib-thrift-c * pam-max-retries Applications: * manager * ranger * fsbroker * thiriftbroker * utils | NONE(build-all) |
SWC_PATH_ETC | Build with specific /etc/ path | posix-dir-path, finish with slash / | application-base/../etc/swcdb/ |
SWC_PATH_LOG | Build with specific /log/ path | posix-dir-path, finish with slash / | application-base/../var/log/swcdb/ |
SWC_PATH_RUN | Build with specific /run/ path | posix-dir-path, finish with slash / | application-base/../run/ |
SWC_WITHOUT_THRIFT | skip Thrift builds | ON/OFF | OFF |
CMake Configuration Options
CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH | runtime-linking | ON/OFF | OFF |
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | SWC-DB path of installation, suggested /opt/swcdb | posix-dir-path | /usr/local |
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE | Build Type (the ‘Release' applies NDEBUG to O_LEVEL) | Debug/Release | Debug |
- while at builds path as by instructions
cd swcdb;
The Configuration Option Format -D{option}={value})
cmake ../swc-db [SWC-DB Configuration Options] [Cmake Configuration Options];
Configuration Examples
an Optimized Release build
cmake ../swc-db \
-DSWC_BUILTIN_FS=local,broker \
-DGLIB_INCLUDE_PATH="$(pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 | tr ' ' ';' | sed 's/-I//g' )" \
a Standard Release build
cmake ../swc-db \
-DGLIB_INCLUDE_PATH="$(pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 | tr ' ' ';' | sed 's/-I//g' )" \
a Debug Release build
cmake ../swc-db \
-DGLIB_INCLUDE_PATH="$(pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 | tr ' ' ';' | sed 's/-I//g' )" \